Tech Notes

Tech Note: 036

How to monitor Wonderware Historian performance from Wonderware Industrial Application Server

The Wonderware Historian (IndustrialSQL Server) includes two features that allow performance statistics to be collected and distributed to network clients. The System Driver module performs the task of collecting historian performance statistics and the InSQL IOServer (INSQLIOS) allows clients to connect via Suitelink to acquire real-time data. Using these two features we can acquire historian performance statistics to clients such as Wonderware Industrial Application Server for real time monitoring and alarming.


Tech Note: 035

How to monitor Wonderware Historian performance from Wonderware InTouch application

The Wonderware Historian (IndustrialSQL Server) includes two features that allow performance statistics to be collected and distributed to network clients. The System Driver module performs the task of collecting historian performance statistics and the InSQL IOServer (INSQLIOS) allows clients to connect via Suitelink to acquire real-time data. Using these two features we can acquire historian performance statistics to clients such as InTouch for real time monitoring and alarming.


Tech Note: 033

Troubleshooting Historian Client Connection to AVEVA Historian Server

When experiencing problems connecting to a Wonderware IndustrialSQL Server Historian (InSQL) from a Wonderware ActiveFactory client such as Trend, there are several steps that can be used to troubleshoot the problem. This tech note details the correct steps to take to initiate communication. It is assumed that there is a running InSQL Server on your network which is able to accept client connections from other client nodes.


Tech Note: 019

How to modify or review Archestra Login Account

Archestra Login Account is a designated Windows Login Account that is used by all Wonderware services to perform tasks that require Windows login information (such as creating folders and files, interact with the network, connecting to databases etc.). This Tech Note details the recommended procedure to set up, modify or review the Archestra Login Account.


Tech Note: 018

Configuring Automatic I/O Failover in InTouch 9.5

The InTouch 9.5 HMI provides significant enhancements that result in improvements in both operational and engineering productivity. One of these enhancements reduces engineering development times by providing a one-click option for I/O Failover, which enables you to automatically switch I/O servers when I/O communication fails. Users can configure I/O server switching via the graphical user interface (GUI) in WindowMaker. Script functions are also provided to further extend the I/O communication failover features.
