Training Documents


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Training Document: 007

Backup, Restore, and Migrate a Galaxy Database

When you create a galaxy in the IDE, a Galaxy Repository (GR) is created, which is a series of files, folders, and a database that contains all the configuration data and object deployment states for that particular galaxy. In order to backup, restore, or migrate a galaxy, you must use the Galaxy Database Manager to create a cabinet (.CAB) file for the galaxy.


Training Document: 006

Upgrading from DA-Servers to OI-Servers

Operations Integration (OI) Servers are the updated version of DA-Servers, providing support for newer PLC models and firmware. They include new features, such as the ability to run multiple instances of the same type on a single node (multi-instance) using the new OI Core.

This document will explain what is needed to upgrade DA-Servers to OI-Servers.


Training Document: 005

AVEVA Enterprise Licensing Overview

⭐ Free Access ⭐

The AVEVA Enterprise Licensing platform is a common platform that allows you to effectively and efficiently manage AVEVA software product licenses. This licensing system was introduced to allow centralized license management and increase license security by use of Activated licenses. It is composed of a browser-based License Manager and a License Server that together allow you to share and deliver licenses for your installed products. This training document will provide an overview to this system and explain different licensing concepts.


Training Document: 004

Installing and Configuring OI-Servers

The AVEVA Operation Integration (OI) Servers are communication drivers used to allow AVEVA software products to communicate with external field devices such as PLCs. The most recent release of the OI-Servers are included in the AVEVA Communication Drivers Pack. This training document will explain how to install and configure an OI-Server, using the OI-MBTCP server as an example.


Training Document: 003

Configuring the License Server

⭐ Free Access ⭐

The AVEVA Enterprise License Server must be set up and tested before software products are able to acquire licenses.

This training document will explain Configurator and walk you through how to use it to set up licensing.


Training Document: 002

Getting Started with the AVEVA Trend Control Client in Stand Alone InTouch Applications

The AVEVA Trend Client Control is a .NET control available in all Standalone + Symbols InTouch applications in 2020 and newer. It can be used to trend historical data from either the InTouch Historical Logging system or from an AVEVA Historian. This training document will walk you through configuring InTouch Historical Logging and configuring the Trend Client to log data from a single tag using the InTouch Historical Logging system.


Training Document: 001

Creating AVEVA InTouch HMI Access Names

⭐ Free Access ⭐

AVEVA InTouch HMI uses Access names to reference real-time I/O data. Each Access name is associated with an I/O source (such as an AVEVA OI Server) that must be on the same network as the InTouch application node.

This training document will walk you thought the steps to set up an Access Name in a Stand Alone AVEVA InTouch HMI application.
