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An Object Wizard can be added to any derived template to provide a simplified user interface for configuring instances (assets) derived from the template. When configuring an instance derived from a template with Object Wizards, it may have a series of user selectable Choices and Options that guide you through the process of the configuration. Each Choice and Option may have one or more attributes, symbols, and/or scripts associated with it.

Object Wizards can integrate a wide variety of configuration possibilities, which can reduce many levels of the template derivation hierarchy. The result is fewer templates to manage and a simpler process to create and configure instances.


  • AVEVA Application Server 2017 and later


There are different ways of modeling templates, including building super objects with all possible attributes, symbols, and scripts within one template, using multiple derivations to add necessary attributes, symbols, and scripts to each level of derived template, and creating Object Wizards.

The following tables compare building super objects and multiple derivations to using Object Wizards. As examples, the comparisons are based on building templates with attributes only.

Building Super Objects Using Object Wizards
Add all possible attributes to templates Add all possible attributes to templates
All derived objects have all attributes Derived objects only include necessary attributes as determined by Object Wizard configuration
All attributes deployed to runtime Only necessary attributes deployed to runtime


Using Multiple Derivations Using Object Wizards
Add common attributes to first-level template Add all possible attributes to templates
Add attributes and features to each derived object to meet requirements Attributes and features are determined by the Object Wizard configuration for each derived object
More levels of derivation, harder to maintain Reduced levels of derivation, easier to maintain

Wizard Options

The Object Wizard presents a series of prompts and questions, from which you can select answers to build an instance as needed. For example, you might be building an instance that represents a piece of field equipment, such as a pump, motor, or valve. You can configure the instance by selecting an answer for each prompt or question listed in the Wizard Options panes.

An Object Wizard can have Choice Groups and Options. A Choice Group is presented with a drop- down list of two or more responses (Choices), from which you can select a response. An Option is presented as a check box that can be checked (true or on) or unchecked (false or off).

Along with configuring each available Wizard Option by selecting a Choice of a Choice Group or checking the check box of an Option, the associated attributes, symbols, and/or scripts can be set to be available or not for the instance.

Additionally, based on the configured Wizard Options, the settings of an attribute or a symbol might be configured as well. For example, checking an Option might enable the History feature for the associated attribute or the value of a custom property might be set to a new value.


For our example, we will add Object Wizard options to a pre-built Counter object which already has all the attributes, scripts and symbols for three different counter variations built into it.

You can download a copy of the aaPKG file and import it into your galaxy from here ($

Add and Configure a Choice Group

  1. Launch the IDE.  In the Template Toolbox \ Training \ Project toolset, double-click the $Counter template to open its configuration editor.NOTE: If the Choices and Options and Settings panes are not visible, click the Configure Wizard Options button located above the Attributes pane.
  1. In the Attributes tab, Choices and Options pane, click Add ChoiceGroup.

    A Choice Group with two Choices is added in the Choices and Options pane. By default, the Choice Group Prompt is Group #1 and the Choices are Choice #1 and Choice #2. You will add another Choice in the next step.Notice that the Prompt, Description, and Visibility fields appear at the bottom of the Choices and Options pane. These fields can be used to configure the Choice Group, Choices, and Options.
  1. In the Choices and Options pane, click the Add Choice button to add another Choice for the Choice Group.

    A new Choice named Choice #3 is added to Group #1.
  1. In the Choices and Options pane, select Group #1.
  1. In Prompt, enter the prompt for the group as Counter Type and press Enter.
    The Group #1 prompt changes to Counter Type.
  1. In Description, enter Select the type of counter and press Enter.Descriptions are used as tooltips for the settings.
  1. Repeat steps 5 & 6 to configure prompts and descriptions for the Choices:
    Default Prompt New Prompt Description
    Choice #1 Scan Counter is triggered every scan
    Choice #2 Trigger Counter is triggered when the Trigger attribute is set to True
    Choice #3 Input Counter is triggered when the data changes in the Value attribute

Associate Attributes, Scripts, and Symbols to Choices

Now you will associate attributes, scripts, and symbols to the Scan, Trigger, and Input Choices.

  1. In the Choices and Options pane, select the Scan Choice.
  1. If the Scripts pane is not visible, you will need to show Click the Show Scripts button just above the Attributes pane.

    The Scripts pane appears below the Symbols pane. If needed, resize the Scripts pane to see the scripts.
  1. In the Scripts pane, select the CountByScan script and drag it into the AssociationsNote: For the Scan type, the counter is triggered by the AppEngine’s scan period.  It is not triggered by a specific attribute, so no attributes need to be associated with this choice.
  1. In the Symbols pane, select CounterDisplay and drag it to the Associations
  1. In Associations, ensure CounterDisplay is selected.
  1. In Settings, from the drop-down list for CounterType, select Scan.
    By associating the symbol to the Choice, it is possible to override the default settings of the symbol’s properties when that choice is selected.Notice that the visibility of the CounterType setting is automatically set to hidden, as reflected in the Visible icon for the setting. When an instance is set to count by scan, the symbol will be set to Scan automatically and will not be changeable when it is embedded in another symbol, because the setting has been set to hidden.
  1. In the Choice and Options, select the Trigger Choice.
  1. In Attributes, select the Trigger attribute and drag it to the Associations pane.
  1. In the Scripts pane, select CountByTrigger and drag to the Associations pane.
  1. In the Symbols pane, select CounterDisplay and drag it to the Associations pane.
  1. In Associations, make sure CounterDisplay is selected.
  1. In Settings, set CounterType to Trigger.
  1. In Choices and Options, select the Input Choice.
  1. In Attributes, select the Value attribute and drag it to the Associations pane.
  1. In Scripts, select CountByInput and drag it to the Associations pane.
  1. In Symbols, select CounterDisplay and drag it to the Associations pane.
  1. In Associations, make sure CounterDisplay is selected.
  1. In Settings, set CounterType to Input.

Add and Configure an Option

Now you will add an Option to show a reset button for the counter.

  1. In Choices and Options, click the Add Option button.

    An option named Option #1 is added.
  1. With Option #1 selected, configure the option as follows:
    Prompt: Has Reset Command
    Description: Check to include a reset control for the counter
  1. In Attributes, select ResetCmd and drag it to Associations.
  1. In Scripts, select ResetCounts and drag it to Associations.
  1. In Symbols, select CounterDisplay and rag it to Associations.
  1. With CounterDisplay selected, in Settings set ShowReset to True.

Test the Configuration

Finally, you will test what you have built.

  1. In Choice and Options, click the Test button.

    The display changes to testing mode.
  1. In Choices and Options, select a different Counter Type and check and uncheck Has Reset Command to see the behaviors.For example, if you check Has Reset Command, you can see the ResetCmd attribute in Attributes list, a Reset button appears on the CounterDisplay symbol in the Symbols pane, and a ResetCounts script in the list of scripts.
  1. Click the Test button again to exit testing mode.

The post Introduction to Object Wizards appeared first on Industrial Software Solutions.

Using Scripting to Enhance the AVEVA Alarm Client Control Sun, 08 Oct 2023 22:15:28 +0000 The AVEVA Alarm Client Control is a .NET control available in all Standalone + Symbols and Managed InTouch applications in 2020 and newer. Since it is a .NET control, it has a number of built-in properties and functions that can be used to enhance the basic Alarm Client functionality. In this training document, we will utilizes these options and create several buttons to perform Alarm Acknowledgement and Alarm Filtering.

The post Using Scripting to Enhance the AVEVA Alarm Client Control appeared first on Industrial Software Solutions.


The AVEVA Alarm Client Control is a .NET control available in all Standalone + Symbols and Managed InTouch applications in 2020 and newer. Since it is a .NET control, it has a number of built-in properties and functions that can be used to enhance the basic Alarm Client functionality. In this training document, we will utilizes these options and create several buttons to perform the following functionality:

  • Alarm Acknowledgement
    • Acknowledge all alarms
    • Acknowledge selected alarms
  • Alarm Filtering
    • Call a pre-defined Query/Filter

This document assumes you have knowledge on alarms, alarm groups, creating button elements, and configuring animations in the Industrial Graphic editor. For information on configuring a basic AVEVA Alarm Client Control, please see ISS TN 95. A full list of the properties and scripts can be found in the Alarm Client Control Guide starting on Chapter 4.

For the purposes of this Training Document, you can download and use the AlarmClientTraining application which contains a basic Alarm Client which we will be building on and 5 tags in alarm state for testing purposes.

The application can be downloaded Here

NOTE: The training application can be used in InTouch version 2020 and newer. You can also use your own basic Alarm Client as a starting point.


  • InTouch HMI (all versions)


Overview on .NET Control Properties and Methods

A Property is used to access or set a value of a particular component of the .NET control. A Method is used to perform some action for the control. Methods sometimes require Parameters which are values to provide to the Method so that it can do something with these values. You can pass Arguments to the Parameters by typing the values to pass within parentheses.

For example, let’s look at the Ack.All() method:

The Ack.All method acknowledges all alarms in the Alarm Control, including those not shown.

A string indicating the alarm acknowledgement comment.

So if we wanted to utilize this method, we would need to provide a string value Argument that the Method would utilize for the AckComment Parameter.

AlarmClient1.Ack.All("Alarm is acknowledged");

This script acknowledges all alarms and provides each alarm the alarm comment: “Alarm is acknowledged”.


Scripting .NET Controls in QuickScript .NET

When scripting the .NET controls, you must make note of their Graphic Name in the Industrial Graphic Editor. In our example, our Alarm Client retains the default name AlarmClient1.

Any scripting of .NET controls follows this basic format:


or, when the method is built-in to another property


The QuickScript .NET editor provides a way to view the properties and methods once you’ve typed in the Graphic Name in the script editor. If you type AlarmClientGraphicName, the QuickScript .NET editor will provide a list of properties and/or methods.

You can also use this auto-complete feature to view any Parameters required for a particular Method, by typing “MethodName(”


Alarm Acknowledgement

Section 1 – Acknowledge All Alarms

There are several properties and methods you could use to acknowledge all alarms. In this document, we will be using the Ack.All() method, previously discussed in the Overview on .NET Control Properties and Methods section.

  1. Open AlarmClientTraining in WindowMaker. Open the Live_Alarms window and then right-click the Alarm Client symbol -> Industrial Graphic “Alarm_client” -> Edit Symbol… to open the Alarm Client symbol for editing.

2. Create a Button element named AckAll. In Properties -> Appearance -> Text, enter Ack All. Position it below the Alarm Client element.

3. Double-click AckAll to open the Edit Animations window. Click the button to add a new Interaction -> Action Scripts animation.

4. In the body of the script, type:

AlarmClient1.Ack.All(“Acknowledging all alarms.”);

And then click OK to save/close the Edit Animations window. Save and close the graphic editor.

5. To test the button, open WindowViewer and open the Live_Alarms window. 5 alarms should appear. Click the Ack All button and observe the behavior.

All alarms become acknowledged, and the AlarmComment field is set to our specified Argument, “Acknowledging all alarms.”. Close and reopen WindowViewer to regenerate the alarms for further testing if you choose.


Section 2 – Acknowledge Selected Alarms

You can acknowledge individual alarms in the Alarm Client by right-clicking an alarm record -> Ack Selected. However, this functionality can also be added to a button. We will use the Ack.Selected() function.


A string indicating the alarm acknowledgement comment.

AlarmClient1.Ack.Selected("This selected alarm is acknowledged");
  1. Open AlarmClientTraining in WindowMaker. Open the Live_Alarms window and then right-click the Alarm Client symbol -> Industrial Graphic “Alarm_client” -> Edit Symbol… to open the Alarm Client symbol for editing.

2. Add a new button named AckSelected to the right of Ack All, or a place of your choosing below the Alarm Client if you did not make the Ack All button. In Properties -> Appearance -> Text, enter Ack Selected.

3. Double-click AckSelected to open the Edit Animations window. Click the button to add a new Interaction -> Action Scripts animation.

In the body of the script, type:

AlarmClient1.Ack.Selected(“Alarm acknowledged”);

And then click OK to save/close the Edit Animations window. Save and close the graphic editor.

4. To test the button, open WindowViewer and open the Live_Alarms window. 5 alarms should appear. Select one or more (ctrl + click) alarms and then click the Ack Selected button and observe the behavior.

In this example, I used ctrl + click to select “Bool_Alarm3” and “Int_Alarm2”. Then I clicked the Ack Selected button, and they became acknowledged. In addition, the AlarmComment field is set to our specified Argument, “Alarm acknowledged”. Close and reopen WindowViewer to regenerate the alarms for further testing if you choose.

Alarm Filtering

Section 3 – Call a Pre-Defined Query/Filter

One way that we can set our Alarm Client to show a specific Alarm Group is to use a pre-defined Query/Filter. For Live Alarms, Queries are used to filter alarms. For Historical Alarms, Filters are used.

We can then call that Query/Filter by using the Favorite Property.

The Favorite property is a read-write string property that gets or sets the name of the current query filter favorite.

QueryFilterName = AlarmClient.Favorite;
AlarmClient.Favorite = QueryFilterName;

The name of a query filter favorite.

The following example sets the current Alarm Control grid to the Query Filter Favorite with the name "All Hi Priority Alarms".
AlarmClient1.Favorite = "All Hi Priority Alarms";

  1. Open AlarmClientTraining in WindowMaker. Open the Live_Alarms window and then right-click the Alarm Client symbol -> Industrial Graphic “Alarm_client” -> Edit Symbol… to open the Alarm Client symbol for editing.

2. Double-click AlarmClient1 and choose Queries and Filters from the Configuration options.

3. Since this is a Live Alarms client, click the + button above Queries to add a new one. The Add Query or Filter window opens.

4. Name the Query “Discretes”. Select Group from the list and click the green right arrow. Then select Group from the middle pane, type “BooleanTags” in the value field, and click Set.

In the AlarmClientTraining application, BooleanTags is a defined Alarm Group. The three Discrete tags have BooleanTags configured for their alarm group, whereas the two Integer tags have $System set for their alarm group.

5. For Live Alarms, a provider must also be specified. Select Provider from the and click the green right arrow. Then select Provider from the middle pane, type “InTouch” in the value field, and click Set.

Click OK to close the Add Query or Filter popup. Then click OK again to close the Edit Animations window.

6. Add a new button named Discretes to the right of Ack Selected, or a place of your choosing below the Alarm Client if you did not make the Ack Selected button. In Properties -> Appearance -> Text, enter Discretes.

7. For the purposes of this document, we will create a Discretes button that utilizes a pushbutton “Toggle” animation. Clicking the button will set the Query to “Discretes”. Clicking the button again will set our filter to back to “Default”. Double-click Discretes to open the Edit Animations window. Then click the button to add a new Interaction -> Action Scripts animation.

In the body of the script, type:

AlarmClient1.Favorite = “Discretes”;

And then click OK to save/close the Edit Animations window. Save and close the graphic editor.

8. To test the button, open WindowViewer and open the Live_Alarms window. 5 alarms should appear. Then click the Discretes button. The Alarm Client should now show 3 alarms from the discrete tags only, and the Query is set to “Discretes”.


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AVEVA Enterprise Licensing Overview Thu, 05 Oct 2023 17:32:47 +0000 The AVEVA Enterprise Licensing platform is a common platform that allows you to effectively and efficiently manage AVEVA software product licenses. This licensing system was introduced to allow centralized license management and increase license security by use of Activated licenses. It is composed of a browser-based License Manager and a License Server that together allow you to share and deliver licenses for your installed products. This training document will provide an overview to this system and explain different licensing concepts.

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The AVEVA Enterprise Licensing platform is a common platform that allows you to effectively and efficiently manage AVEVA software product licenses. This licensing system was introduced to allow centralized license management and increase license security by use of Activated licenses. It is composed of a browser-based License Manager and a License Server that together allow you to share and deliver licenses for your installed products. This training document will provide an overview to this system and explain different licensing concepts:

Key licensing concepts and terms are defined below:

Term Description
Entitlement File An XML file that contains the Activation IDs that enable product functionality.
Activation ID A code that identifies a specific product license and enables activation.
License Activation The process of enabling a particular License Server to consume and serve out particular product functionality. Activation can be done online (typical) or offline (off-site).
License Reservation Allows one to reserve particular license components so they can only be acquired by a particular computer or user.
Borrowed Time If a computer loses communication with the License Server when it comes to time for the product to renew the license, then it will expire after a certain time. This time period is called Borrowed Time.
Grace Period A condition the License Server can go into based on different actions, such as cloning a virtual machine with licenses activated. Grace Period allows you to perform normal licensing functions for 15 days. Once the Grace Period expires, the License Server can no longer server licenses and the grace period condition must be removed. For more information on Grace Period, see ISS Tech Note 117.
Redundancy The licensing system can be configured for high availability and disaster recovery by configuring redundant license servers. For information on configuring licensing redundancy, please see AVEVA’s Tech Note on License Server Redundancy.


  • AVEVA Enterprise Licensing


Section 1 – Licensing Workflow

The following section describes the basic workflow for utilizing  the activation-based license system. This example assumes that both License Manager and License Server are installed on the same computer, and that the computer can connect to the Internet.

  1. Obtain license files for AVEVA software. These will be in the form of XML licenses, referred to as Entitlement files.
  2. Start License Manager. It opens in a browser window and allows you to view, add, and manage License Servers.
  3. Select a License Server.  The License Server is where you can activate the licenses.
  4. Import the Entitlement file: Once imported, License Server displays the available licenses. Multiple product licenses can be included in a single entitlement file and will show up as different product lines during activation.
  5. Activate licenses: License Manager connects to the AVEVA Activation Server over the Internet to activate the selected licenses on the License Server. You can also activate licenses offline, which really means off-site, as it still requires internet access on an external computer. For more information on activating licenses, see Section 4.
  6. Licenses are now available for their respective product to use. In license server, you can now activate new licenses, deactivate current licenses, and reserve/unreserve licenses.
  7. Run Configurator on the computer(s) where AVEVA software products are installed to point them to a particular license server and allow them to pick up their respective product licenses.

Section 2 – Licensing Components

AVEVA Enterprise licensing includes the following components:

License Manager
  • Allows you to quickly access and maintain licenses for certain AVEVA Enterprise Software products. License Manager offers the following features:
    • Browser-based for scalability and ease of use; can be remotely accessed by any supported web browser.
    • Light-weight, standalone software you can install on the same node as the License Server computer, or on any other node based on your deployment needs.
    • Manage one or multiple License Servers to best organize and manage the licenses in your unique environment.
License Server
  • Provides the functionality to activate/deactivate, view, maintain, and serve licenses to your installed AVEVA software products. License Server offers the following features:
    • Easily host and maintain your software licenses
    • Securely serve any types of software application being licensed, including Windows browsers, tablets, and mobile devices.
    • Provide current license usage information.
Activation Server
  • A cloud-based Internet accessible server to which the License Manager connects for license activation. The License Manager connects to the AVEVA Activation Server in the Cloud only temporarily during the
    activation process. It is not something directly accessed by the user during online license activation.

Section 3 – License Topologies

AVEVA Enterprise Licensing allows you to serve licenses to products on a computer locally in a Single Node topology, or serve license from a central computer on the network in a Distributed Topology.

Single Node

In this configuration, a single computer has both the installed AVEVA Software product and the License Manager and License Server installed. Communication between the software and licensing components is all local.

Distributed Topology

In this setup, the licensing components can be installed on a central computer with all the software installed on other computers, as long as there is reliable network connectivity between all the computers. Redundancy is recommended in this configuration as well. Some different examples of this topology are shown below.

A single License Manager connecting to multiple license servers

One License Manager per License Server

Centralized License Topology

Section 4 – Activation and Reservation

License Activation enables the use of a purchased license on a server. The activation server validates an Activation ID and provides an activated XML license file in return. This file contains multiple Activation IDs, one for each purchased license. The XML file can be activated by connecting the local License Server to the Cloud-based Activation Server using the License Manager application. License acquisition takes place when a product is launched. The product obtains its activated license from the License Server while running and releases it upon shutdown. The license cannot be used by another product until it is released back to the License Server.

Online activation will be described in this section.

For information on offline activation, please see ISS Tech Note 118.

Activating a License Online
  1. Open the License Manager -> License Server and click Add License.

2. The License Activation panel appears. In the Browse License File area, click the button to browse to your Entitlement File to import it.

3. Check the components you wish to activate and then click the Activate button. The License Server will send the request to the Activation Server.

4. The License Activation panel closes and the selected licenses show “Activated” status in License Summary.

License Reservation

The AVEVA Enterprise Licensing model supports concurrent and reserved licenses. Concurrent licenses are the default and operate on a first-come-first-served basis.

In the reserved license model, specific devices or users are assigned licenses. Only one reservation can be made per license, but if a license has multiple parts (e.g., multiple clients), each part can be reserved individually. When all concurrent licenses are taken, new users or devices are denied unless a reservation is in place or concurrent licenses become available. Reservations are necessary when there are licenses with unique functionality that need to be assigned to specific devices.

There are two types of license reservation:

  1. Device Reservation: Assigning a specific product license to a device ensures that authorized users accessing that device can use the reserved license. This applies to servers, back-end applications, and clients, depending on the product configuration and functionality. Refer to the product documentation for more details.
  2. User Reservation: Reserving a license for a specific user guarantees that the user can use the reserved license, especially when they require access from different devices at different times. Some products automatically reserve licenses for users when acquired, eliminating the need for manual reservation.

These methods can be applied in the Device Reservation and User Reservation tabs in License Server respectively.

The post AVEVA Enterprise Licensing Overview appeared first on Industrial Software Solutions.

Configuring the License Server Tue, 03 Oct 2023 16:47:52 +0000 The AVEVA Enterprise License Server must be set up and tested before software products are able to acquire licenses.

This training document will explain Configurator and walk you through how to use it to set up licensing.

The post Configuring the License Server appeared first on Industrial Software Solutions.


After AVEVA Enterprise Licensing components or AVEVA software components are installed, a configuration tool becomes available named Configurator. It can be found under the Windows start menu -> AVEVA -> Configurator. The AVEVA Enterprise License Server must be set up and tested before software products are able to acquire licenses.

This training document will explain Configurator and walk you through how to use it to set up licensing. This document uses Configurator from version 2020 R2 Service Pack 1 Patch 1.


  • All products


The Configurator includes a specific component for licensing called the AVEVA Enterprise Licensing Platform -> AVEVA Enterprise License Server. For systems with Application Server, there is another component called AVEVA System Platform -> Galaxy License Mode which allows you to turn on and off Flex mode licensing.

In AVEVA Enterprise License Server the following fields can be set:

  • Primary Server Name
    • The name of the computer running License Server that you wish to obtain activated licenses from. This can be local or on a central network location.
  • Server Port
    • The port that the License Server Core service runs on. 55555 is the default, but it can be changed if needed.
  • Agent Port
    • The port that the License Server Agent service runs on. 59200 is the default, but it can be changed if needed.


  1. On the computer running the AVEVA software products, go to Windows start -> AVEVA -> Configurator

2. The Configurator opens. If using Application Server, select Galaxy License Mode under AVEVA System Platform.

3. Choose either Disable Flex Mode or Enable Flex Mode, depending on whether or not Flex licensing is being utilized. Click Configure after selecting an option. If not using Application Server, the default option can be kept.

4. Select AVEVA Enterprise License Server under AVEVA Enterprise Licensing Platform.

5. If using a local licensing topology, enter your local computer name for Primary Server Name. If using a distributed topology, enter the name of the computer on the network with License Server installed for Primary Server Name. Click Test Connection and check “Configuration Messages” to ensure it was successful.

6. Click Configure after testing the connection. This computer can now pull licenses from the designated computer configured in Primary Server Name.

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Creating AVEVA InTouch HMI Access Names Sun, 01 Oct 2023 21:07:18 +0000 AVEVA InTouch HMI uses Access names to reference real-time I/O data. Each Access name is associated with an I/O source (such as an AVEVA OI Server) that must be on the same network as the InTouch application node.

This training document will walk you thought the steps to set up an Access Name in a Stand Alone AVEVA InTouch HMI application.

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AVEVA InTouch HMI uses Access names to reference real-time I/O data. Each Access name is associated with an I/O source (such as an AVEVA OI Server) that must be on the same network as the InTouch application node.

This training document will walk you thought the steps to set up an Access Name in a Stand Alone AVEVA InTouch HMI application.


  • InTouch HMI (all versions)


Section 1 – Creating the Access Name

  1. In InTouch WindowMaker, open your application. One the Special menu, select Access Names.
  1. Click Add.
  1. In the Add Access Name window, you enter the appropriate values into the fields shown below:
Access Name The Access name must be unique for each I/O source.
Node Name The Node Name is the computer name or IP address of the computer on the network which is hosting the I/O source (typically an AVEVA OI Server). A blank Node Name implies the I/O source is running on the local node.
Application Name The Application Name is the process or executable running on the remote computer, which InTouch will connect to. Note: Do not enter the “.exe” extension portion of the program name.
Topic Name The Topic Name is the device group, scan group, or channel used by one or more items (PLC memory addresses) that will be polled at a specific frequency or rate. The OI Server must contain the same spelling of the topic name in its device group list configuration.
Which Protocol to use Select DDE (local node only) for support of older I/O servers, or connections to Microsoft Office products; or SuiteLink (proprietary network protocol).
When to advise server

Advise all items: Select if the server program is to poll for all data whether or not it is in visible windows, alarmed, logged, trended or used in a script. Selecting this option impacts performance and is not recommended.

Advise only active items: Select if the server program is to poll only points in visible windows and points that are alarmed, logged, trended, or used in any script. An InTouch Pushbutton action script is not polled unless it opens in a visible window.

In our example, we are using the following values:

Access Name: ModbusPLC
Node Name: InTouchPC
Application Name: MBTCP
Topic Name: Normal
Which Protocol to use: SuiteLink
When to advise server: Advise only active items
  1. Click OK. The new item will now appear in the Access Names
  1. Click Close.

Section 2 – Adding Access Names to InTouch I/O Tags

In order for InTouch I/O tags to collect values from an I/O source, it must be associated with an Access name. An Access name defines a communication link with another I/O data source. Each Access name specifies an external I/O source consisting of a node name, an application name, and a topic. When you create I/O tags, you must associate them with an Access name in the definition of the tag.

  1. On the Special menu, select Tagname Dictionary.
  2. In the Tagname Dictionary window, click New.
  3. In the Tagname field, enter an appropriate tagname.  Our example uses “Mixer100_Level_PV”.
  1. Click Type and select the appropriate I/O tag type (our example uses I/O Integer) and click OK.

Note that when an I/O tag type is selected, an additional panel appears to configure the I/O details.

  1. Click Access Name. The Access Name window appears.
  2. Select the Access name you want to use and click OK.

Notice the tagname has been copied into the Item field, but it is grayed out so it cannot be edited. This field indicates the item that will be requested from the I/O source.  The Item name can be edited by changing the name of the tag. Otherwise, you must uncheck Use Tagname as Item Name to edit the Item field or create a Device Items list in the OI Server as detailed in the next section.

Section 3 – Create an OI Server Device Items List

The Item Name is used to determine which data value is retrieved from the I/O source.  In some instances, the item name in the I/O source may be different than the Tagname being used in the InTouch application (such as a PLC that uses numerical addresses instead of tags).  In these cases, you can either A) uncheck the Use Tagname as Item Name option for the tag and edit the Item Name field with the correct I/O source reference or B) you can create a list of all references on the Device Items tab of the OI Server configuration.

  1. In the System Platform Management Console, expand the Configuration section of the OI Server until you reach the PLC configuration. Our example is using the MBTCP OI Server.
  1. Select the Device Items tab. Right-click in the table area and select Add.
  1. In the Name field, enter the Tagname from the InTouch application. In our example, we are using the Mixer100_Level_PV tag.
  2. In the Item Reference field, enter the item in the PLC that you want to use for the listed tag. In our example, we are referencing the value at the 300001 address.
  1. When you have entered all the needed references, click on the save icon in to top right corner to save the configuration.

Once the Device Items list is saved, if any client (e.g. InTouch) requests the value for an item that is on the list, it will return the value of the configured reference in the PLC.  In our example, requesting the value of Mixer100_Level_PV from the MBTCP OI Server will return the value at address 300001 in the PLC.

The post Creating AVEVA InTouch HMI Access Names appeared first on Industrial Software Solutions.
